19 FEBRUARY 1954, page 5

Reviving The Road Fund

Nor did he add to his reputation by observing that the British road system is still the best in the world—a peculiarly nonsen- sical bit of patriotism. It was left to Sir Gurney......

At Westminster

T is a pleasure to report this week a pretty piece of Parliamentary manoeuvre. Mr. Wigg, the Labour member for Dudley, has been trying for a week or two now to get the House to......

Wrecking In The Navy

From the beginning of 1953 until this week, when the latest c ase of sabotage in the aircraft carrier Eagle was reported, there were eighteen cases of malicious damage in ships......

Smoking Yourself To Death

The Report of the Standing Advisory Committee on Cancer about the relationship between cancer of the lung and smoking is remarkable among other things for its caution. A......