19 FEBRUARY 1977, page 17

Liberate Our Mps

e cilleague, Tim Raison, concludes that the solutio n lies with Members of Parliament th emselves. But will they so act ? Not I fear ever- increasing power of the Executive......

'tr Eat 'em Mean

is s 'Wo quotations in your 5 February ue are 'enerai reassuringly complementary. oe Monck: 'The poorer and meaner h.. °13 `e have no interest in the common weal the use of......

Late In The Day

Sir: All this reporting of Lady Falkender's important role in the Wilson cabinets makes interesting reading. But why has the press taken so many years to get round to doing......

Saluting Yvonne Printemps

Sir: I have just read, rather late, my friend Mr Hope-Wallace's charming account of the late Yvonne Prin temps (29 January). In other reports of her death I looked in vain for......

The Permissive Society

Sir: It is good to see Mary Kenny (12 February) standing up against the mindless aspects of trendy Permissiveness. But she had better be warned. There is still a lot of it......

Sir: Mary Kenny's Article In Defence Of Mrs Mary Whitehouse

is disconerambulatolial balderdash. The sum total of all premarital sex, fornication, adultery, incest, VD; abortions, and other forms of vice is an absolute constant. All that......