Correction A Line, Here Italicised, Was Missing From The...
column of Christopher Hitchens's article about The Liberal Crack-Up, two 'potations running into each other: • • . Truth be known, however, it was the Liberals's war, foul-ups......
Trieste's Motorway
Richard Bassett 'There are some who, searching for the 1 atmosphere of the Habsburg Empire, feel irresistibly drawn towards Vienna, only later to be disappointed by the grey-......
The Liberal Crack-up
R. Emmett Tyrrell W hen, while lounging in my New York flat, I received 'the call' from Charles Moore to appear in these vener- able pages, I half expected to be asked to take......
The Spectator
is looking for a secretary for the Managing Director. Good typing and shorthand is essential. Please reply in writing enclosing c.v. and daytime telephone number to: Henrietta......