Our Fight Against Terror
From Prince Turki Al-Faisal Sir: I think it is Mark Steyn who needs a 'reality check' ('Reality check', 5 June), He seems to think that the security forces in Saudi Arabia are......
Soccer Hooligans
From Professor John Hargreaves Sir: Daniel Wolf ('England's thugs and losers', 12 June) makes rather too much of the English working class's economic deprivation, the loss of......
The Truth About Reagan
From Alexander Nekrassov Sir: In many of the tributes to the former US President Ronald Reagan it was stressed that he had won the Cold War with the Soviet Union by forcing the......
Ukip And The Tories
From Frederick Forsyth Sir: Ukip supporters may jubilate all they wish, but what happened on Thursday cannot change the two inunutables. One is that Ukip is a protest movement......
Music For Alzheimer's
From Lord Moser Sir: On 7 July, David Attenborough will be the narrator in the first performance of a new set of poems by (Lord) Michael Birkett for the Carnival of the Animals.......