The Situation In Paris Will Not Be Improved By A
letter wbi ch M. de Lesseps has addressed to M. Bouvier, demanding that the Assembly shall authorise the Panama Canal Company to raise a lottery loan of £22,000,000. This will......
Mr. John Morley Gave A Very Interesting Address Yesterday...
in Edinburgh, on the subject of "Aphorisms," showing. as all his literary addresses do, the wide range over which his acute mind has passed. We have made remarks on his......
Mr. Morley Asserts That The Moralities, "both Major And...
change from generation to generation, and in proof quotes the rather odd approval given by Dr. Johnson to Sir Joshua Reynolds's remark, that in the death of a benefactor you......
The Correspondent At Rome Of The Daily Chronicle Declares...
the general opinion of Mgr. Persico upon the Irish move- ment is that the revolutionary party exercise far too great an influence upon it, for it to be a safe one. He also......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 103k to 1031.......
Even Aberdeen University Is Recoiling From The New Radi-...
On Saturday last, the election for Rector took place there, when Mr. Goechen was elected by 455 votes, against 314 given for Mr. John Morley. As far as mere literary work goes,......
We Regret To Notice That, All Rumours To The Contrary
notwith. standing, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is not able to accept any substantive office. He made a long and strong speech at Bristol on Monday, during which he incidentally......
In The Oxford Congregation On Tuesday, The Statute For The
abolition of the Professorship of Poetry, and the establishment of a new chair of English Literature and Poetry, to which Merton College undertook to contribute, was rejected by......
Mr. Chamberlain, Who Has Gone To Washington To Settle The
Fisheries dispute if he can, has, in spite of Irish opposition, received the warmest welcome in New York. At a great banquet given him by the Chamber of Commerce, and attended......