The Seven Wise Scholars. By Ascott R. Hope. (mackie And
Sons.) —Dr. Archibald Didaskalos has a select academy, where he teaches seven very select young gentlemen. The seven, when reassembled after the Christmas holidays, are invited......
Leaders Upward And Nunn], Edited By H. C. Ewart (1v.
Isbister), is a collection of short biographical sketches, some of which have already appeared in one or other of the magazines published by Messrs. Ishister. There are eleven......
Animals From The Life. Edited By Arabella B. Buckley. (e.
Stanford.)—Miss Buckley (to use the name which is so favourably known from successful popularising of science) has here reproduced a work by Professor Leatemann. The sketches......
Anima/la; Or, The Saxons In The Isle Of Wight. By
F. Cowper, M.A. (Seeley and Co.)—A tale of the seventh century. The country is represented as having lapsed into barbarism. Casiwalla, a descendant of one of the original Saxon......
By Order Of Queen Maude. By Louisa Crow. (blaekie And
Son.) —The heroine, a young lady who comes to take care of her father, sisters, and brothers, has au exalted idea of what an elder sister should be, and of the control she must......
Sturdy And Strong. By G. A. Henty. (bleak, And Son.)—the
good boy who works and who never goes wrong here meets no again. This time he has a mother who is unable to work and goes to the infirmary, while the boy comes up to London to......
Transito 1. A Story Of Brazil. By Mrs. Emma E.
Hornibrook. (S. W. Partridge and Co.)—Spanish eyes, Brazilian landscapes, and a romantic courtship give an almost worldly piquancy to this book. But it is a religious story all......
The Glory Of The Sea. By Carley Dale. (religious Tract
Society.) —Miss Crabbe, who is rightly described as an "eccentric lady," leaves her collection of shells to her god-daughter, with an instruction that her whole fortune is to go......
A Book For The Hammock. By W. Clark Russell. (chatto
and WincIns.)—Here we have a collection of twenty-two essays and papers contributed by the author at various times to newspapers and periodicals. Mr. Clark Russell's fact is as......