Sir: Christopher Hogwood Raises Once More The Appalling...
aural pollu- tion (Letters, 5 November). I recommend a combination of megaphones and ear- trumpets to further conversation when dining out inadvertently in such hazardous......
Macmillan's Role
Sir: I was in distant parts when you published (29 October) Nikolai Tolstoy's latest piece 'Death without Glory'. Hold- ing a dialogue with Mr Tolstoy is like getting bogged......
Public Din
Sir: One way of impeding the scourge of muzak (Letters, 12 November) is to make any reservation at a restaurant or hotel conditional upon the services being un- accompanied.......
Fat Ada
Sir: The idea that animals cannot go to heaven (Diary, 8 October) is a pagan inter- polation into Christianity. St Thomas took over the Aristotelian idea that animals do not......
Jennifer's Diary
Sir: I was on the editorial staff of The Spectator from 1958 to 1962: is there no one there these days to verify references? I refer to Jennifer Paterson's Diary (5 November).......
Sir: Apropos of Neal Ascherson's article in the Observer (23 October), I should like to assure you that although I've never been near a public school I find The Spectator fun.......
Bassett Hounded
Sir: Mr Zametica (Letters, 5 November) hauls me, somewhat laboriously, over the coals for my assertion that the mob in Serbia is 'particularly disagreeable'. Quite how someone......
Tie Spectator
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