Science And Accuracy. Pro The Editor Or The 'spectator."]...
the conclusion you draw from the case of the N-rays (Spectator, October 12th) no one can quarrel. Certainly the guardians of physical truth may themselves need guarding. " But......
Anonymous Voices.
rro THE EDITOR. OF It "Sewn:role] SR, —With reference to the interesting ealticle on thia subject in your last issue, I beard a whimsical illustration last winter in a lecture......
The Financial Aspect Of Land Nationalisation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—" J. L. C." raises in the Spectator of October 12th a very important point. The only organisation in this country which is devoted......
"john Bull's Army From Within." ['ro The Editor Op The
"SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Will you give me space for a reply to the editorial appended to my letter published in the Spectator of October 12th? (1) You say : "Instead of ordering......