An Interesting Letter From Lord Rosebery, In Reply To Mr.
Raine asking how a Liberal should have voted in the Kirkdale election, is published in Tuesday's papers. Lord Rosebery states that he has no difficulty in answering the......
Forgotten. A "design For A 'recognition' Scene" Shows Us An
office where an enthusiastic railway director is throwing himself into the arms of an astonished official of the Amalga- mated Society :— ‘" RAILWAY DIRECTOR (to representative......
Thursday Was A Date Of Possibly Epoch-making Significance...
development of wireless telegraphy, the Transatlantic service between the Marconi stations at Clifden (Galway) and Cape Breton (Nova Scotia) being formally inaugurated on that......
We Record With Pleasure Another Very Generous Donation...
Mr. W. W. Astor to the Oxford University Appeal Fund. It may be remembered that Mr. Astor originally subscribed £10,000 to the Fund. He now promises a second donation of £10,000......
An Address On The Negro Problem In America. Mr. Carnegie
did not attempt to avoid the question of lynching. "Judge Lynch" was, he declared, "rarely if ever accused of punishing the innocent." Here we cannot help thinking that Mr.......
One Of The Most Serious Railway Accidents Of Recent Years
occurred early on Tuesday morning outside Shrewsbury Station. An express train of fifteen carriages from various parts of the North for Bristol, which left Crewe at 1.20 a.m.,......
Mr. Ian Malcolm Contributes A Disquieting Letter On The...
of Ireland to Tuesday's Times. After noting how Mr. Birrell's statements in Parliament as to the satisfactory con- dition of the country were followed at the end of August by......
Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
Aug. 15th. Consols (24) were on Friday 824—on Friday week 82. Bank Rate, 41 per cent., changed from 4 per cent. Aug. 15th. Consols (24) were on Friday 824—on Friday week 82.......