News Of The Week.
T HE scene is already set for the ourious debate next Monday in which Mr. Lloyd George will demand a vote of con- fidence from the House in connexion with the C-enoa Conference.......
We Record With Deep Regret The Loss Of The British
submarine H 42, with all hands, off Europa Point on Thursday, March 23rd. She was exercising with the Atlantic Fleet, and, on rising to the surface, was accidentally rammed by......
It Is Obvious That Public Attention Is Concentrated Not So
much upon the economic , questions which are the principal motive for the Genoa Conference as on the question whether the Russian Soviet Government shall or shall not be......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......
The Fighting On The Ulster Boundary, Though It Continues In
some form, has not become worse, and we hope that something may come of the conference between the Ulster leaders and the leaders of the Free State Provisional Government who......
We Do Not Pretend For A Moment That There Arguments
are not serious arguments. We think they are. Put the world is in quite an abnormal condition and it is essential to bring into the orbit of trade all the available resources.......
Is It Not Very Much The Same Thing With Russia
? The decisive question, as it seems to us, is whether we should make the Bo/. sheviks stronger by dealing with them. Personally, we think we should not. Communism in Russia has......
Perhaps The Most Ghastly Of All The Long Series Of
ghastly murders in Belfast was committed in the early hours of Friday morning, March 24th. A Roman Catholic publican, Mr. Ow en McMahon, was visited by a band of armed men, and......