1 APRIL 1922, page 21


THE OPPIDAN.* Tins is another novel of dualism. It has two objects---one, it is to be supposed, to tell a school story ; and two, to give a " picture of Eton." In the first we......

Peter. By E. F. Benson. (cassell. 7s. 6d. Net.)—in His

new novel Mr. E. F. Benson has probably embarked upon the difficult attempt to describethe psychology of the young people who have grown up since the War, and it must be......

Omer Novels.—the Undying Monster. By Jessie Douglas...

7s. tid. net.)—A, well-managed story concerning tho feats of a terrible monster who, attached to the ancient family of Hammand of Dannow, haunts the woods of Sussex. The......

Poets And Poetry.

THE TORCH-BEARERS.* Ma. Novas, in his new volume, The Torch-Bearers, is colmerned,. with a subject admirably suited for imaginative treatment... The poem tells the story of the......