1 APRIL 2000, page 28


It's Saddam's Fault From Peter Hain, Mp Sir: I Have

corrected the nonsense that the Foreign Office 'blocked' George Gal- loway's flight to Iraq so many times that I am amazed to see John Casey repeating it in The Spectator (`They......

Letters Brittan, Scots And Witches

From Professor Carl E. Armerding Sir: Those of us who believe that the ques- tion of truth is best addressed by revealed religion have come to expect periodic broadsides of the......

From Mr Sebastian Robinson Sir: While I Very Much Enjoyed

Samuel Brit- tan's anti-religious set-piece, he should be aware that the figure he quotes of 4,500 Scot- tish women having been executed for witchcraft over a 100-year period in......


Expiring Perspiring

From Mr E.S. Turner Sir: Paul Johnson muses on the conditions in which the human head can give off steam (And another thing, 25 March). There was an impressive example to be......