Mr. Harold Cox's Candidature.
[To THE EDITOR or TRY "SrEcurop.:1 Sin e —There must be many of your readers who consider that the absence of Mr. Harold Cox from the next Parliament would be a great national......
A Question To Mr. F. E. Smith. [lb Lam Erma
or Tax " sraicriroa."] Sra,—I notice that Mr. F. E. Smith, M.P., makes it a constant practice of charging Mr. Lloyd George with the utterance of deliberate falsehoods. I see......
The Japanese Navy.
[To VIZ EDITOR OP TEl "..SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Public interest is so great in everything relating to the Imperial Navy of Japan that it may be desirable to guard your readers......
A Socialtst On National Defence,
[To THE ED/TOR OF THZ SPECTATOR:1 Sin„—May I be permitted, in default of a worthier pro. tagonist, to say a few words in reply to your article of last week, and in support, I......
As Others See Us.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Your reviewer, in dealing with a most suggestive book, " Das kranke England," in the Spectator of Decem- ber 18th, 1909, seems to me to......
Germany And The Congo.
17 0 THZ EDITOR or van "SFECTLTOR."1 Stn,—With reference to Mr. E. D. Morel's letter which appeared in your issue of the 18th ult., I am instructed by my board to contradict the......
From The Analytical Retort Dip The Proceedinos In The...
OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Sitting of 15th December, 1909. M. Resins, Colonial Minister, speaking:—" The truth is that the only company holding mining concessions is the Union......