1 JUNE 1833, page 10

- 41ett °wise Potdett Scrope Has Bm En Returned To...

for 'Stroud, in the room of Mr. Ricardo, without opposition. He stated gm the hustings, that he was attached exclusively to no political party— he was neither Whig, Tory, nor......


The latest accounts from Ireland state that tithes are collected with the greatest rigour. Sheep, pigs, furniture, even the clothes and bed- ding of the wretched peasantry, are......


The "manifestations of the spirit" in Edinburgh continue. An elder of one of the churches called upon his minister a few days ago, and informed him that he felt himself under......


Sir John Nicholl was installed yesterday as the new Judge of the Admiralty Court, in the room of the late Sir Christopher Robinson. Sir Edward Barnes the Commander-in- Chief in......