A Very Odd Telegraphic Correspondence Between Mr. Fish...
Schenck on the subject has somehow been got hold of by the New York Herald, from which the Manchester Guardian +republished it. Mr. Fish insists, apparently, throughout it, that......
Sir Stafford Northcote, Questioned By Mr. Bouverie In The...
of Commons on Monday as to his Exeter speech, replied that he had been correctly reported, and added,—" I thought it right to say what I did upon that occasion, because I had......
The Right Hon. Montague Bernard, The Oxford Professor Of...
Law, delivered on Tuesday, in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor and a large audience, a very able lecture on the Washington Treaty, in which, however, he made no "revelations"......
• .* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......
The Duke D'aumale Achieved His First Success As A Parliamen-
tary orator in the French Assembly on Tuesday, in a speech on the new Army Bill, which commanded attention, and a good deal of applause from the Centre and Right. He declared......
News Of The Week.
T HEprospects of the Treaty of Washington appear at the pre- sent moment to be but poor. The Senate on Saturday approved ;a, modified form of Supplemental Article, intended, or......