1 JUNE 1872, page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR'] Sin,—In support of Dr. Aldridge's statements, though not neces- sarily in opposition to all yours, let me mention the following facts. Taking......

[to The Editor Of The "speotat011.1

Snt,—I am no subscriber to the Church Defence Association, and have some laisgivings about the line of defence it has taken up ; but I beg leave respectfully to submit that your......

Germany And The Church.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR, —Me following rough translation of a fragment of Goethe may not be unacceptable to the readers of your truthful apprecia- tions of the......

Church Defence.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') '&,—Allow me a word or two in reply to the letter of "A Layman" on the subject of Church Defence. No doubt, any one who undertakes to justify......

Unsectarian Education.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "EMU:TOR:1 SIR,-It was with surprise and pleasure a week or two ago that I saw the names of so many influential Nonconformists attached to a protest......