1 MARCH 1845, page 20

M U Si C.

DANDO'S QUARTET CONCERTS. THE third concert at Crosby Hall, on Monday, presented varied features, of musical interest, and supported attention at once by new composition,......

Madame Dulcken's Sontiz Musicale.

THE performance on Wednesday commenced with a noise called by courtesy a Grand Quintuor (?) in D minor, the work of M. Schaffner of Bordeaux; for the printing and dissemination......

Military Gazette.

WAR-Orwcz, FEB. 25.-7th Drag. Guards-Major G. Simmons, from half-pay Unat- tached, to be Major, vice T. Le Merchant, who exchanges ; Capt. J. C. H. Gibsone to be Major, by......


On the 224 February, at Kllmore, near Monaghan, the Lady of Captain Herbert. &bombers, R.N., of a son. On the 22d, at Windlestone, Durham, Lady Eden, of a daughter. On the 24th,......

East India Shipping.

Aanyrim.-At Gravesend, 25th Feb. Earl of Liverpool, Wilson, from China ; Co- lombo, Thompson, from Calcutta; and Belle Creole, Purchase, from Mauritius; 26th, R. Small,......

Commercial Gazette.

YAITNER3/11P8 rossor.vzo. R. and J. Frith, Birstal, Yorkshire-Parker and Houghton, Birmingham, builders- Hammill and Thompson, Liverpool, merchants-Rollet and Newmarch,......