Monumental Inscriptions At Vevey, On English Regicides...
TO TUB EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—A few months ago, at Vevey, the writer of this had an opportunity of copy- ing the inscriptions on some of the monuments of the Judges of......
The Theatres.
WEARIED with five-act failures, surfeited with incessant adaptations from the French, and attracted by the promise of a pleasant English comedy in three acts, written by a......
The Original Don Ctesar De Bazan, As Embodied By Frederick
Lemaitre, is a very different personage from any of the English Don Ciesars: it is a complete and consistent caracter, conceived as a whole, and presented in its different......
At The Princess's, Kiss Cushman Has Shown Herself To Be
as sprightly in comedy as she is energetic in tragedy. Her performance of Rosalind, in As You Like It, is delightful for its freshness and natural vivacity. The male costume......
The Revival Of Richard The Third, As Shakspere Wrote It,
is popular at Sadler's Wells; where it has been produced in splendid style, Phelps play- ing Glo'ster. This only proves that Shakspere knew more of his art than the......
"mother And Child Are _doing Well" Is The Odd Title
of an odd, farce o French origin, produced at the Adelphi this week ; which Wright's odd way of going through some very odd adventures renders amusing enough for a laughable......
The Opening Of The Italian Opera Is Postponed Till Next
Saturday ; the production of a new grand opera by a new composer, and a new ballet on a great scale, requiring longer rehearsal than ordinary. We have glanced at the libretto of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The purchases made last-week by the Chancery Broker are understood to have been for the purpose of investing the deposits which, under the......