1 MARCH 1884, page 14

" Tibs."

L're THE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR." J SIR, —I am a very little girl, but I wish to tell you a story. A short time ago we lived upon the shores of the Lake Lnpioma (Clear Lake),......


WHERE Aysgarth's arch spans lire's resplendent river, Where down the rock the shining cataract leaps, And flashing from between its marble steeps, From ledge to ledge the silver......


MARSHAL BELLE-ISLE'S RETREAT FROM PRAGUE [In the last chapter of his "Etudes Diplomatiques," published in the Revue des Deux Monde of January 15th, the Duo de Broglie reprints a......


GEORGE ELIOT'S ESSAYS.* WE are not sure that it is a wise fashion to preserve all the minor efforts of great writers, especially when these minor efforts are not distinguished......