1 MARCH 1884, page 3

A Considerable Body Of French Shareholders In The Suez Canal

are displeased with M. de Lesseps's proposed compro- mise with the British shipowners. A Committee representing them has, therefore, drawn up a counter-proposition, which will......

It Is Becoming A Serious Question Whether The British...

should not ask that of Washington to aid in sup- pressing these villains, by signing a Treaty binding both nations to make conspiracy to injure foreign cities, or incite- ments......

A Ceremonial Was Gone Through At Berlin On The 27th

nit. which is believed to be of importance to Europe. A special mission from St. Petersburg, headed by the Grand Duke Michael and General Gourko, just appointed to the highest......

On Monday, Mr. Milner Gibson.—one Of The Leaders Of The

Anti-Corn Law Leagne,—died on board his yacht' Resolute,' at Algiers. He was born in 1807, so that he was in his seventy- seventh year at the time of his death. Mr. Milner......


At Oxford, On Tuesday, Congregation Discussed And Passed...

of the Statute opening some of the University examin- ations, under certain restrictions, to women. The Provost of 'Queen's and the Warden of Merton spoke in favour of the......

Mr. E. Stanhope, In An Extremely Temperate And Reasonable...

raised on Friday week the whole question of Merv, and was assured by Sir C. Dilke that Her Majesty's Government were negotiating with St. Petersburg, that they dreaded con- tact......

To Our Great Satisfaction, And Not A Little To Our

surprise, the Debate on the Address was finished yesterday week in time to take the Report and get it agreed to, so that after only four- teen nights' debate,— in very recent......

The Second Reading Of Mr. Anderson's Bill For Amending The

Act which punishes Cruelty to Animals, so as to put down the pigeon-shooting clubs, was resumed on Wednesday at five o'clock, but talked out for the day. Mr. Stuart-Wortley and......

The Contest At Brighton Is Going On In A Very

lively way, and is diversified by cock-and-bull stories of Mr. Schnadhorst's in- terference from Birmingham, and the despatch of Birmingham roughs to Brighton. It is, indeed,......