The Romance Of Excavation.
LTO THE EDITOR OP THZ "SPECTATOR.1 SIE, — I shared with all who are interested in art and history the pleasure of reading the article in the Spectator of August 25th entitled......
Canon Maccoll On The Ornaments Rubric.
LTo THZ EDITOR Or THN "SPECTATOR..1 Siu,—The Spectator has a well-earned reputation, not only for fairness, but for generosity. Your review of my book in last week's issue is......
Musical Culture At Public Schools.
[To THZ EDITOR OP THE SPRCTATOR."1 SIR, — The writer of the excellent and temperate article in your last issue dealing with "Musical Culture at Public Schools" raises some......
[to The Editor On The " Spiictiit011.1 Sin, — You Call...
(Spectator, August 25th) to the argument—a very unsound one—that because the ornaments rubric legalises the ornaments of church and minister as they were in the last years of......
The Loss Of The Montagu.'
[To ME EDITOR OP TRH "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Is not the moral to be drawn from the 'Montagu' business this,—that all classes, and especially the larger, of our warships are......