Royal Dunfermline. By Alan Reid And William Kirk....
Son, Dunfermline. is. 6d.)—Royal Dunfermline is, perhaps, better known to the world in general as "Dunfermline gay," where they rang the bells for the wedding of the sister of......
Sight And Hearing In Childhood. By R. Brndenell Carter And
Arthur H. Cheatle. (Scientific Press. 2s. net.)—This volume is intended to supplement educational methods. Even now much that is attributed to intellectual torpidity or......
We Have Received The Third Edition Of A Book Which
may safely be described as one of the very best of its class. This is A Concise Guide to the Town and University of Cambridge, by John Willis Clark, Litt.D. (Macmillan and......
The Story Of Shetland. By W. Fordyce Clark. (oliver And
Boyd. 2s. 6d. net.)—The Shetlanders, Mr. Clark tells us, make their way in the world sufficiently well—there are three hundred vessels commanded by Shetland sea-captains—but......
Stories Of Great Revivals. By Henry Johnson. (r.t.s. 3s....
—Mr. Johnson begins his volume with papers in which Canon Aitken, Messrs. F. B. Meyer and j. Stuart Holden, and "Gypsy Smith" relate their experiences in this field of action.......
Some Founders Of The Chemical Industry. By J. Fenwick Allan.
(Sherratt and Hughes. 5s. net.)—This volume consists of articles reprinted from the Chemical Trade Journal. It has a double interest. It pictures for us some remarkable men, and......
The Thames. By Mortimer Menpes. Text By G. E. Mitten.
(A. and C. Black. 20s. net.)—This present year seems fertile in books about the Thames. The volume now before us is not unworthy to be ranked with its rivals. We must own that......