20 APRIL 1867, page 2

M. Rattazzi Has Formed His Ministry At Last, But Declined

to state why he happened to be entrusted with the task. He could not, he said, " divulge " the reasons. He promised, however, all manner of pretty things,—the restoration of the......

Mr. Gladstone Received This Day Week A Vote Of Confidence

in his leadership, passed by the Guildford Reform Association, to which he replied by thanking the Association with the paren- thetical remark, " You will have observed the......

The Directors Of The North-eastern Railway Seem To Have...

their engine-drivers. The latter struck suddenly, nomi- nally for this or that cause, really, if we understand the Train, because they could not stand the insolence of their......

Sir Colman O'loghlen's Bill On The Law Of Libel, Which

we dis- cussed at length in a former number (of March 16), has come back from the Select Committee to which it was referred as strong as regards the rights of the Press, and......

" A. Country Parson" Writes To The Times Of Monday,

to sup- port Mr. Henley's view of the Small Tenements' Act as " a device of Old Nick," leading to extortion on the part of landlords, and degradation on the part of the tenants,......

John Marnchien, Said To Be A Mulatto, But More Probably

a "Manilla man," was a seaman on board the Raby Castle, English ship in the China trade. So was Karl Anderson, a Swede, who shipped at Penang. Anderson took it into his head......

The German Constitution Is

Bismarck announced that he could not accept an amendment limiting the continuance of the Military Budget to 1st Januiry, 1872, but it was carried, nevertheless, and on 17th......

Lord Lorne, Whose Book We Reviewed The Other Day, Must

be an acute observer. He predicted, two years ago, that President Geffrard, of Hayti, would be deposed and succeeded by General Salnave. On March 8, the President, who was......

Liquidation Must Be A Profitable Business. Mr. I. H. Cannan

" liquidated " the affairs of the Agra Bank, that is to say, he col- lected 4,000,0001. owing to them, paid their clerks in London, settled with creditors, and generally put......