20 APRIL 1867, page 3

The Purchases Of Money (stock) On Account Of The Public

having been somewhat numerous, nearly all national, as well as Indian Securities have advanced in price. Consols for money have marked 90k, 91, to 91* ; ditto, for account, 91......

It Is Quite Right, We Suppose, To Sell Our Wooden

ships, if they are -useless, but it is quite right also to get a good price for them. The Admiralty have just sold to Messrs. Castle and Beech, the well known ship-breakers,......

Marshal Niel, French Minister At War, Issued An Order On

Tuesday which does not look like peace. The price of exemption from the conscription was last year 841., and has never been higher than 1121. even in war time, but he has raised......

Mr. Stansfeld Made A Good Speech At Halifax On Thursday.

He remarked that he had always noticed that the foes of a good measure advance it much more than the friends, and that Reform was no exception to the rule. Since the......

The Consul At Jerusalem Tells Us That 156 Americans From

the State of Maine have arrived in Palestine, and taken up their resi- dence near Jaffa (Joppa), led apparently by millennial views. They are mostly labourers, farmers,......

" A. Country Parson" Writes To The Times Of Monday,

to sup- port Mr. Henley's view of the Small Tenements' Act as " a device of Old Nick," leading to extortion on the part of landlords, and degradation on the part of the tenants,......

The New Bishop Of Rochester Is To Be The Rev.

Thomas Legh Claughton, Vicar of lUdderminster, and the Oxford Professor of Poetry in 1852. He is the brother-in-law of the Earl of Dudley (Lord Ward), whose sister he married.......

Admiral Persano Has Been Cashiered. His Statement In His Own

defence suggests that he must have lost his head, for just before the battle he went on board the iron ram Affondatore without telling the fleet ; he only saw the engagement......

We Observe With Pleasure The Address Of Support To Dr.

New- man, which has been signed by so many distinguished English Catholics. The occasion for it was furnished by the violent attack made upon him in the Weekly Register, which......

The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign Securities On...

and on Friday week are subjoined:— Mexican Spanish Passives .. Do. Certificates .. Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 1862 Uuitli States 5.20's .. .. .. .. .. . • .. .. .. — .. .. _ ........