Berd In Hand
HIS search for a suitably grand head office started off with Grand Buildings, in Trafal- gar Square. There he tried and failed to gazump Enterprise Oil. He resisted the......
Vision And Design
NATIONAL misunderstandings are at work. M. Attali might reasonably regard himself as the epitome of the French intellectual. Just as reasonably, to Anglo- Saxon minds he seems......
It's A Fattipuff
THESE international agencies, as I warned when the Berd came to London, divide into fattipuffs and thinnifers. The International Monetary Fund, though sometimes greedy, is a......
City And Suburban
Knock, knock! Who's there? Attali. Attali who? Attali and completely over the top CHRISTOPHER FILDES A SK Jacques Attali to lunch, and he will send his security man before him.......