The Victorian Reform Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") you allow me to call the attention of such of your readers as take an interest in Victorian politics, to the present aspect of the......
Mr. Gladstone's Scottish Ancestry.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. " ) SIE, — Your correspondent of last week gives Mr. Gladstone's Scottish origin on his father's side. On his mother's side, it is purely......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator. ") Sir,—may I Correct A
rather important mistake you make in an occasional note of this week's Spectator ? You speak of Mr. John Morley's "growing admiration" for Burke. So far from this being the case......
Letters To The Editor.
DOUBTING DOUBT. (To THE EDITOR OF THE . 4 ISPEOTATOTI.1 SIlt,—It appears to me that both Mr. Gladstone's address to , the students at Glasgow, and your very interesting comments......
Mr. John Morley.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ) ,Sin,--Your comment does no more than justice to the quality of the speeches at this meeting, and no report I have seen gives any idea of......