20 DECEMBER 1879, page 3

The Distress In The West Of Ireland, Especially In Parts

of "Kerry, Galway, Sligo, Mayo, ROBCOM mon, and Donegal," and also in the south of Cork, is now officially acknowledged. At least, the Duchess of Marlborough, the wife of the......

Even Whitchaven, The Very Country Of The Lowthers, Seems To

be growing disloyal to the Conservative party. On Tuesday, Mr. Cavendish Bentinck addressed his constituents in the town- hall there, and was continually interrupted by cheers......

Montenegro May Very Soon Be Compelled To Reopen The Eastern

Question. The Turks have fulfilled the Treaty of Berlin, as far as Russia is concerned—Russia being strong—with com- mendable promptitude. Montenegro, however, Greece, and......

Sir Arthur Hobhouse, During His Residence In India, Has...

the Anglo-Indian weakness. He does not speak as well as he writes, or as clearly as he thinks ; but he would be a most valuable Member of the House. In a lecture to the......

The Cape Colonists Have Achieved A Success, Their Local...

having stormed the mountain stronghold occupied by Moirosi, the Basuto chief, dispersed his followers, and killed him. The only native, therefore, now in arms against the......

On Thursday Week, Mr. Hunter Rodwell, M.p. For Cambridge-...

addressing a farmers' meeting at Wisbeach on the sub- ject of agriculture, made some rather curious remarks on the law of entail :—" So far from the law of the land being......

Consols Were On Friday 961 To 97.


Yesterday Week, Mr. A. J. Balfour, M.p. For Hertford, And

private secretary to Lord Salisbury, addressed the Edinburgh Conservative Working Men's Association, endeavouring to undo the effect of Mr. Gladstone's onslaught on the foreign......

M. Waddington Carries The French Parliament With Him...

challenges its vote, and yet it is stated that M. Wad- .dington is going to resign, and M. de Freycinet to form a new Government in his place. It is clear that M. Le Royer,......

At A Meeting Held In Rochdale On Thursday, To Wel-

come Mr. T. B. Potter back from the United States, Mr. Bright made an interesting speech on America,—the enor- mous resources it possesses, and its vast size. He said that the......