Letters Bustards?
Sir: In his article on the Yugoslav province of Kosovo (Two-faced buzzards', 12 De- cember) Richard West makes it plain that he has walked into one of the most troubled......
Perfection In The Womb
Sir: In his letter (23 January) replying to mine on foetal development, Quentin Crewe accuses me of 'waffle', then waffles himself about calling me 'Ms' — though that is not my......
Waldheim's War
Sir: In 'Austria's Nixon' (23 January), Robert Rhodes James alleges that Kurt Waldheim is a war criminal and lied about his war record. Unfortunately prevarication was neces-......
Pacific Cruise
Sir: The total frustration of CND's strategy against cruise missile deployment in Bri- tain has clearly taken its toll of Bruce Kent (Letters, 23 January). No one disputes his......