20 FEBRUARY 1988, page 25


Sir: Your analysis of the present crisis in the Church of England (Leader, 12 December) is faulty, because it is based on a misunderstanding of the historical pro- cess which......

• A Bit Loathsome

Sir: In reply to Mr Smith and Ms Nicholson (Letters, 23 and 30 January), of course a cause may be so loathsome that it should be denied PR. But then, it must have been at least......

Perfection In The Womb

Sir: In his letter (23 January) replying to mine on foetal development, Quentin Crewe accuses me of 'waffle', then waffles himself about calling me 'Ms' — though that is not my......

Freelance Schmooze

Sir: What's so special about Chaim Ber- mant ('What the papers pay', 30 January) that he feels hard done by getting £21.95 for half an hour's cosy schmooze with a charming and......


Sir: I am writing with reference to Aube- ron Waugh's articles of 9 and 16 January. These disgraceful pieces not only con- tained a vindictive personal attack on Mr Peter......

Sir: Chaim Bermant Should Not Grumble Too Pay', 30 January)

should not grumble too much. In the summer of 1946 The Spectator published an article of mine about our troubled times in Palestine where I was stationed. For this, the then......

Falkland Parkway

Sir: I'm glad that Mr Simon Courtauld (Diary, 9 January), has brought the busi- ness of British Rail adding 'Parkway' to some of its stations on the Western Region to the......

Spitting Image

Sir: I am afraid that Christopher Fildes's reference-checker has let him down. (City and suburban, 16 January.) It was not Soapy Molloy who was the inefficient spitter, but his......