Mr. Birrell On The Archbishops' Letter.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Surely both Mr. Birrell and yourself have curiously missed the most obvious explanation of the wording of the Archbishops' letter. They......
The Housing Of The London County Council.
[TO TER EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR.") SIn,—You say in the Spectator of February 20th that the Bill of the Council is a huge job, intended to make the Council popular by providing......
A Village Politician.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—In your otherwise excellent notice of a book with the above title, which appeared in the Spectator of March 13th, there is a doubt......
Clergy Incomes.
[To THR EDITOR OP THE " BricrwroLl SAS,—I do not think the laity realise how sore pressed the clergy are. They look at Crockford and see the gross incomes entered, and think......
The European Concert At Constantinople And Sheridan's...
EDITOR OF THE • SPECTATOR."' SIE,—The European Concert as represented by the Ambas- sadors of the Great Powers at Constantinople seems to be well foreshadowed in Scene 1, act......