20 MARCH 1897, page 28

Notice.—the Index To The Spectator Is Published Half-...

January to June, and from July to December, on the third Saturday in January and July. Cloth Cases for the Half- yearly Volumes may be obtained through any Bookseller or......

The Spectator Is On Sale Regularly At Messrs. Da.mrell &nd

UFHAM'S, 283 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; THE INTERNATIONAL NEws COMPANY, 83 and 85 Duane Street, New York, U.S.A. ; MESSRS. BRENTANO'S, Union Square, New York......

Publications Of The Week.

Andrews (W.), England in the Days of Old, 8vo (Andrews)' 7/6 Atherton (G. i, Patience Sparhawk and her Times, cr 8vo (Lane) 4/6 Bailey (M. B.), A New Industry, Svo (Simplrin)......