The Real Victorians
Bannard says: " They might believe like Robert Brown- ing that—' God's in his Heaven—All's right with the world.'" But what evidence is there to show that Browning did believe......
Have Taken The Spectator For Years, And Appreciated...
I am therefore shocked to find that you have published the letter signed W. R. Tarr, 16 The Highlands, Rickmansworth. Why you gave it room in your paper makes one wonder.......
Str,—after Reading The Letter Of Your Correspondent "...
" in your issue of the 6th March, I am left wondering whether he has made any application to the Education Officer of his unit. It is this officer's responsibility to make......
Entertaining The Forces
SIR,—Your correspondent " Private Soldier " is obviously unaware of E.N.S.A.'s musical activities. In the last six months four symphony orchestras have been recruited from men......
The Tragedy Of The 'struma'
Sm,—In the first post-Munich debate, Sir Sidney Herbert limped into the House and attacked the Government with fiery indignation. The burden of his speech was this: " What have......
Who Was Mrs. Walford ?
Slit,—Mr. Edmund Blunden, in his admirable study of Thomas Hardy, which I have Just read with immense pleasure states that Coventry Patmore once appraised a number of English......