20 NOVEMBER 1875, page 22

Prayer: Five Sermons. By James Thomas O'brien, D.d., Late...

of Ossory. (Macmillan.)—It is only to be expected that sermons preached nearly forty years ago should be somewhat out of relation with the controversy as it stands at present.......

Current Literature.

The Life and Growth of Language. By W. D. Whitney. (Henry S. King and Co.)—About eight years ago, when the name of Professor Whitney was little known in Europe, beyond an......

Kate Randaps Bargain. By Mrs. Eiloart. 3 Vols. (samuel...

—It is always a drawback to have a novel too plainly ticketed with its subject. That Kate Randal will marry for money a man whom she does not love is obvious at once, and it is......

Political Economy".

READERS of recent works on Political Economy can scarcely fail to perceive that the science is entering upon a new phase. Generalisations drawn from the limited range of......