The Gospel Of St. Mark. Bida's Illustrations. (sampson...
and Co.)—The 24 illustrations are by the French caricaturist, Bide. Several bear traces of Dore's influence, in the method of treat- ment, and the contrast of intense light and......
New- Enrrzons.—among These, We May Mention Jane Eyre, By...
Brontë (Smith, Elder, and Co.); the first volume of an edition, to be completed in seven volumes, of "The Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and her Sisters." The edition is to......
Milk In Health And Disease. By A. Hutchinson Smee. (e.
Newman.) —The author details a series of numerous analyses and experiments on milk taken from cows, under various condition; and fed on a variety of food. He establishes......
Numerical Examples In Heat, By R. E. Day (longmans, Green,
and Co.), supplies a want that has been often felt by science teachers and students preparing for examination. The examples are carefully com- piled and graduated.......
Ralph And Bruno. By M. Bramston. 2 Vols. (macmillan.)—if You
like to have a somewhat elaborate plot and unusual circumstances for a novel, it is as well that the elaboration should be carefully done, the plot skilfully woven, and the......
County Topographies. Edited By E. R. Kelly. (kelly.)—the...
these useful volumes is to give the information contained in the Post- Office Directories under the head of the various counties. The Direc- tories include several counties in......