The Endowment Of Britain.
If all were to reach Tennyson's ideal of a Federation of the World, with an august despot as chief manager, Britain and Ireland would doubtless be endowed as a breeding centre ;......
Sic Vos, Non Vobis.
The Scandinavian thinks (on the other hand) that they ought to be, not proud, but modest, and knows that they are not prosperous but depressed. Now it is perfectly true that the......
Paper For The Garden.
Correspondents from the United States and from Canada continually send accounts of queer experiments in gardening and farming. The value of all of them is perhaps exaggerated ;......
British Popularity.
Within the last month or so Aberdeen Angus and Ayrshire cattle, mountain sheep, have been bought in Scotland for Canada. A very large number of Romney Marsh sheep and Berkshire......
100,000 Acre Runts.
Paper will probably be soon used in England for such purposes. The other new American experiment recently endorsed whole-heartedly by the founder of the Brookings Institute in......
Frost Dates.
Ingenious students of weather, notably Buchan, have picked out certain periods in the year remarkable for definite types of weather ; such as the Festival of the Three. Icemen......
Country Life
STOCK EXPORTS. In the course of a discussion on the quite remarkable " boom " in the export of British stock, a Scandinavian farmer, now resident in England, said to me in......