The Prospects Of The Homecroft . Movement • [to The Editor
of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The letters of Mr. Gabriel Wells and the Hungarian ex-Food Minister in your issue of. October 6th raise an intrigu- ing question which ought to lend some......
Homecrofting And Small-holdings [to The Editor Of The...
Sia,—There is much sound wisdom in the letter of Mr. Charles Ereky which appeared in the Spectator on October 6th, Ile seems, however, to confuse the homecrofting with the......
A Mine Of Wealth [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—My notice has been drawn to a letter dealing with the Dead Sea Concession, headed " A Mine of Wealth," which appeared in the issue of the Spectator of September 29th. The......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
have read with interest the articles and correspondence on the Dead Sea Scheme published in recent issues of your paper. I write as the scientific member of the British Group......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] _ Sih, — The Secrecy And
. delay which have distinguished the negotiations leading to a .final. decision on the subject of the Dead Sea tend to spread a suspicion of unhealthy machinations on the part......