The Naval Conference The Japanese Delegates To The Naval...
have spent four days in Washington discussing naval questions. It is known that in reply to the American suggestion that cruiser strength for Great Britain, America and Japan......
German Finance We Wrote Last Week About The Unfavourable...
dum submitted by Dr. Schacht on German fiscal policy and on the Young Plan. On Thursday, December 12th, the Chancellor asked the Reichstag for a vote of confidence on the......
Last Week The Problem Of The Austrian Constitution Was...
by the agreement of both parties to a modified reform. Herr Schober was reappointed Chancellor under the new regime ; the President issued his appeal to the Army to withstand......
Great Britain And France On Thursday, December 12th, Mr....
Henderson made a happy reference to the entente of peoples which binds Great Britain and France in their common task of building the temple of peace. He did not minimize the......
A New President In Greece Early Last Week, Admiral...
President of the Greek Republic, resigned his charge on the grounds of health. There was a pleasing and rather astonishing agreement in choosing his successor. The Minister of......
Clearly There Is A Danger Of Dearer Coal For Everybody.
It would be mad to take away from industry, through an increase in the price of coal, the benefits which have only just been bestowed upon it by derating. Sir Herbert summed up......
We May Pass Over The Speech Of Sir Philip Cunliffe-
Lister, who moved the Unionist motion of rejection, because it was insignificant compared with that of Sir Herbert Samuel. Sir Herbert's chief line of attack was that the Bill......
In This Connexion We Note An Interesting Letter From Mr.
A. H. Pollen, the well-known naval expert, who writes to the Manchester Guardian that " the way to make others give up submarines is to give them up our: selves." We quite......