Tim Monetary Situation.
LAST week I endeavoured to show the close connexion which• existed between the rise in the Sterling Exchange and the monetary situation here, including the prospects of a lower......
Stock Exchange Holidays.
It is not altogether surprising that dealers on the Stock Exchange here are feeling something akin to amusement that Wall Street should recently have been indulging in a good......
Finance Public And Private British -
Budgets* WHATEVER may be the true explanation of the depression in many of our leading industries—and the explanations are probably many—it is impossible not to be struck with......
Unfortunately The Returns Of Our Foreign Trade For The Month
of November were again most discouraging, especially as regards the exports, which showed a decline for the month of over £3,000,000, while there was a small increase in the......
Financial Notes
BANKING IN SOUTH AMERICA. Mn. RICHARD FOSTER, the Deputy Chairman of the Bank of London and South America, in the unavoidable absence through illness of the Chairman, Mr.......
A.b.c. Position.
With quite a substantial advance in gross profits, the report of the Aerated Bread Company for the past year shows that expenses mainly in the shape of higher rents, wages, &c.,......
Commenting upon conditions of Brazil, Mr. Foster made a timely reference both to the coffee crisis through which the country is passing and also to the impending Presidential......
Large Gold Influx.
The reduction in the Bank Rate was due not only to the fact of the rise in the American Exchange but to the very large engagements of gold from this country. Altogether some-......
Some Mining Dividends.
Encouraging announcements have been made during the past week by several of the companies in what is known as the Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Group. The Van Ryn Deep......