21 FEBRUARY 1970, page 16
New Novels
In retreat BARRY COLE Real People Alison Lurie (Heinemann 25s) Middle Ground Ursula Zilins4 (Longman 30s) What I'm Going to Do, I Think L. Woiwode (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 35s)......
Old Mole
TREVOR GROVE Play Power Richard Neville (Cape 38s) The Politics of Ecstasy Timothy Leary (MacGibbon and Kee 36s) Mr Richard Neville, spoofer extraordinary, editor of Oz and......
Mighty Work
MICHAEL BORRIE English Historical Documents: Vol IV 1327- 1485 edited by A. R. Myers (Eyre and Spot- tiswoode 10 gns) The score is nine down and three to go as this monumental......