The Duke's Tubes
Sir: I wonder what gave your correspond- ents, Mrs Brown and Messrs McCarthy and Grant (Letters, 24 January and 1 February), the idea that I was an advocate of BST? My letter......
Great Concorde Brainwash
Sir: I regret that in my piece last week (14 February) an error remained uncorrected in the final copy. The £10 million a month said to be drawn from the taxpayer by the British......
LOOK! this has gone far enough Sid Freud is seventy-three and lives with a midget. 'I used to work in a freak show way back. I used to keep Little Herbert here in a cardboard......
No. 593: Package tour Mr Richard Crossman has recently been quoted as saying that in his view it would be 'quite unjustifiable to guarantee an abor, tion as part of a package......