The New Dance Of Death. By A. Egmont Hake And
J. G. Lefebre. 3 vols. (Remington.)—We doubt if any one will be amused, certainly no one will be bettered, by the perusal of this book. It is less eatery than a series of......
La. Fin Du Vieux Temps.* Ix Is Refreshing To Come
across a French novel that deals either with the illicit loves of people of fashion nor the amours d debauches of slaters and washerwomen, which, besides g entertaining without......
Current Literature.
The Orient: or, St. Saviour's Priory Quarterly Papers. April, 1884. (G. J. Palmer, 32 Little Queen Street ; M. C. Geater, 221 Ebury Street.)—This little quarterly will be of the......
Memoirs Of Life And Work. By C. J. B. Williams,
M.D. (Smith, Elder, & Co.)—This can scarcely be called an interesting book, but it contains much that fairly deserves that character. If it had been severely cut down—its five......