Lord Spencer Made Two Or Three Impressive Speeches At...
on Wednesday, in acknowledging his very hearty re- ception by that great city, in unveiling a picture of the Queen, and in laying the foundation-stone of a free library. We call......
Lord Redesdale Moved The Second Reading Of His Bill To
pre- vent the cruelties which go on in pigeon-shooting matches, on 'Tuesday, and the second reading was passed ; but Lord Aberdare showed how extremely ineffective for its......
Some Curious Opinions Uttered By Prince Bismarck In 1868,...
Germany had been, in fact, made, but not tested by the fight with France, have been published in the memoirs of Pro- fessor Bluntschli. He said even then that he did not fear......
The Times On June 14th Issued A Number Containing Twenty-
four pages, an incident which has occurred only once before. The papers, therefore, publish calculations showing that the paper contained 2,559 advertisements, that 200 distinct......
Few Men In This Generation Remember When Mr. C. H.
Spurgeon was not preaching, yet he was only fifty on June 19th ; and, if his gout would leave him alone, might be a leading figure in his community thirty years hence. He began......
The Rich In England Are Grumbling Much, Bat They Evidently
are not poor yet. The Fountain family, of Narford, in Norfolk, have for the last four generations been collecting art pottery and curiosities, and the present owner has very......
M. Ferry Says That There Is A Difficulty In Abolishing
the gaming tables at Monaco, as Monaco is a sovereign principality. So is Turkey, but a means of dealing with Turkey has been found. If the Five Powers agree that Monaco is a......
Lord Salisbury, In Presiding At The Meeting Of The National
Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in Church Principles, on Tuesday, delivered a reasonable and thoughtful -defence of the principle of denominational schools,......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 99f
to 94 x.d.......
A Discussion Followed, Which, Of Course, Turned Largely...
alleged over-pressure, and on Dr. Crichton Browne's eccentric report. That there are cases of over-pressure, owing to the injudiciousness of Committees, School Boards, and......