The Intermediate School Physical And Political Atlas...
volume of a small quarto size, containing twenty-nine maps, for the excellence of which the publisher's name will be a sufficient guarantee. Europe, Asia, Africa, North and......
The Pre.history Of The North. By The Late Chamberlain J.
J. A. Woreaae. Translated by H. F. Morland Simpson. (Trithner and Co.)—Worsaae was a Danish archtoologiat (1821-1865), of great note in his country, and devoted his life to the......
Rhymes For The Young Folk. By William Allingham. (cassell...
Co.)—All the children's good things are commonly crowded together at Christmas, when, to tell the truth, the " tasters " are so over. whelmed with work that they can hardly do......
A Treatise On Chemistry. By Sir H. E. Roscoe, F.h.b.,
and C. Bohorlemmer, F.H.B. " Organic Chemistry," Vol. III., Part III. (Macmillan and Co)—Part III. is devoted to the chemistry of the aromatic compounds ; this, by far the most......
Through A Microscope. By S. Wells, And Others....
lishing Company, Chicago.)—This is a useful little book, well calcu- lated to give learners an interest in natural science, and so enable them to employ with profit many hours......
The Labour Of The Farm. By J. C. Morton. (bradbury,
Agnew, and Co.)—This is one of the " Handbooks of the Farm " series, and, indeed, comes from the pen of its editor. Mr. Morton explains in his preface that it is virtually a new......
Familiar Trees. By G. S. Bonlger. First Series. (cassell And
Co.)—Twenty kinds of trees are described, both scientifically and popularly, in this volume, and the description is illustrated by coloured plates. Not only is the general......
About Money And Other Things. By The Author Of " John
Halifax, Gentleman." (Macmillan and Co.)—Here we have ten essays, the occasional work of many years, reprinted. Some are of the reflective kind, with a moral gently suggested.......
Health For The People. By Andrew Wilson. (sampson Low And
Co.)—Dr. Andrew Wilson has collected here some forty essays first published in the journal which he edits, Health. He discourses on a great variety of topics—on mesmerism, for......
Physical Expression. By Francis Warner, M.d. " The...
Series." (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Such a subject as physical expression, which includes the pasture of the limbs, as well as that wonderful and complex assembly of various......
Training : A Tale Of North-country Life. By Margaret...
3 vole. (Tinsley Brothers.)—A " prefatory note," disclaiming literary skill, disarms criticism. It is quite true that Training is not "artistically finished." It is a simply......