The Curious Negotiation Between The Government Of India...
Cook, which we mentioned in February, 1886, is now complete. The Government has been long annoyed by the excessive sufferings of its Massulman subjects while making pilgrimage......
Air. W. O'brien, Editor Of United Ireland, Is Not Making
much of his campaign against the Viceroy of Canada. The citizens of Toronto, in an immense meeting, passed resolutions denouncing his conduct; but he persisted in visiting the......
At A Dinner Given At The Mansion House On Wednesday
to old Rugbeians, Lord Derby, Mr. Goschen, and Lord Justice Bowen had their say. Lord Derby complained of the House of Lords for not containing nearly as many Rugbeians as it......
There Was A Noteworthy Discussion In The Lords On Tuesday,
on the new Irish Land Bill. A most important clause in that Bill places leaseholders under the operation of the Land Act of 1881. Lord Fitzgerald, Lord Selborne, the Duke of......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 1031 to 1031.......
Mr. Goschen On Saturday, The 14th Inst., Was Entertained By
the Cecil Club at a dinner in Willis's Rooms, and addressed the audience in a spirited speech, very badly reported. He said the strange political situation, with all old......
The "pit-brow Women" Of Lancashire, Whose Right To Earn...
wages of 2s. a day has been threatened with legislative interference for the last two years, interviewed the Home Secretary on Tuesday. They declared that their work, which is......
We Are To Have A New Coin, And A Clumsy
coin it will be. By a proclamation dated May 13th, it is ordered that a silver double- florin, or fifth of a pound, shall be issued from the Mint, and shall be received as......