21 NOVEMBER 1874, page 2

• Mr. Disraeli Has Written To Sir Henry Rawlinson To

say that after weighing the reasons given for another Arctic expedition, the Government think so highly of the "scientific advantages to be derived from it," and "the importance......

The Attack Of Russia On The Inmate Of Khiva Has,

as nasal in the East, destroyed the Khan's power. The Turcomans will not. obey him, refuse to pay taxes, and make attacks on Persian and Russian subjects. It is believed that a......

The Directors Of The Al Iclland Railway Met Their...

at.Derby on Tuesday, to explain their policy in abolishing the second class. They gave as their single motive that the measure would reduce expenses, refused absolutely to......

The Republican Victory At Irun Has Not Been Followed Up,

General Loma having received orders to re-embark all his troops and proceed to Santander. The troops are said to be enraged, and murmurs are heard that Serrano's Government is......

The " Colston " Anniversaries At Bristol Yesterday Week Were

not very interesting, except so far as regards a speech from Mr. Richard (M.P. for Merthyr Tydvil) at the Liberal meeting, which seems to prove that the loyalty of the Orthodox......

Stories Of Some Grand Conspiracy In Russia Have Been Rife

all the week. It was reported at first that the life of the Czar had been again attempted, and then that a huge conspiracy had been discovered, extending everywhere, and through......

The Regular Conflict In Central Middlesex Between The...

legal professions as to their claims to be considered the fittest coroners ended on Thursday in the usual way, the freeholders deciding for the medical candidate. Four persons......

A Strange Story Has Been Circulated About The Tichborne Cant

It is stated in a letter from Honolulu, dated October 8, published in the New York World, that an old English sailor, named George Claridge, recognised a portrait of Sir Roger......

The Government, And Recruiting Officers Also, Appear To...

troubled about desertions. Recruiting goes on very well, the establishment is complete, the recruits are fairly good, and if they are young, the effect of the "Queen's salt,"......