Current Literature.
The Dublin Review for October. (Burns and Oates.)—This is the best number of the Dublin we have read for some time. We have already drawn attention to the article which shows......
A Strange Friendship; A Story Of New Zealand. By C.
Evans. (Sampson Low and Co.)—A very strange friendship indeed ! It is a little too much to be told that a man, to screen some worthless relative who has got into a terrible......
Flints Philosophy Of History.*
PROFESSOR FLorr's book is at once very able and unsatisfactory. It is so thorough and laborious, that it might have been written at a German instead of a Scotch University. We......
Tara : A Mahratta Tale. By Colonel Meadows Taylor. (henry
S. Bing and Co.)—This is a very welcome reprint, in one volume, of a most interesting story. As it was reviewed by us when it first appeared, we need do no more now than......
The Bavarian Highlands And The Saldcammergut. (chapman...
one of those works which generally make their ap- pearance shortly before Christmas. It relies upon its illustrations to please, and the letterpress is a secondary......