The Russian Attitude
SIR,—The following story is instructive and illuminat- ing in the context of the Pasternak tragedy as showing a permanent Russian attitude in such matters. Mr. Ilya Ehrenburg......
SIR,—`Your results in these tests,' said the Personnel Selection Officer at Hyderabad Barracks in 1944, 'show that you're a classical type, as we call it, rather than......
Sir,—perhaps I Am Not The Only One Of Your Readers
to take exception to the tone of Wyndham Thomas's letter in your issue of November 7 about Robert liodge's sensible and temperate article 'Anger in a Small Town.' No one......
Anger In A Small Town Sir,—mr. Hodge And Mt. Nairn
are more at odds with each other than with me. And Mr. Hodge is even at odds with himself. On the one hand, he wants people to be quite free to build whatever they like wherever......
Sickert's Paintings
SIR, — I am preparing a second edition of my Sicker book which was published in 1942 by Faber 00 1 Faber. As many pictures have changed hands since that date, I should be......
Sir,—the Article Under The Above Heading Which Appeared...
week's issue of your journal contains an accurate presentation of the aim of this Council. In seeking Parliamentary control and protection my Council realise that Parliament......