Obsession. By Tom Gurr And H. H. Cox. (mul- Ler,
15s.) Precious little literary merit in this not very fictionalised reconstruction of the murder committed in New Zealand in 1954 by two intel- ligent and good-looking......
Dreadful Summit. By Stanley Ellin. (boardman, 12s. 6d.) A...
first experiences of sex and sudden death in one New York night- powerful, readable piece of violence in Catcher in the Rye idiom.......
The Doomsters. By John Ross Macdonald. (cassell, 12s....
meticulously plotted Californian piece about a runaway from a looney bin, the murders that follow his escape, and the Marlowe-ish private eye who sorts it out.......
Murder On Their Minds. By George Harmon Coxe. (hammond, 12s.
6d.) This workmanlike American author handles such conventional formulw as the newspaperman chasing a hunch with great skill and resource : the missing papers are found and the......
The Stairway. By Ursula Curtiss. (eyre And Spottiswoode,...
Model story of suspense by a past-mistress. Did the nasty husband fall downstairs or was he pushed? By pretty wife, or puddingy. companion? Utterly convincing little classic of......
The Man Who Came Back. By John Bryan. (faber, 15s.)
In one chapter alone are such implausibilities as a London pub that does 'venison damn well. Also wild duck with orange salad .. and a Soviet diplomat in good standing who quite......
One Step From Murder. By Laurence Meynell. (collins, 10s....
There is some unconvincing love-stuff and one gob-stopping coincidence but the little bit of blackmail is all too plausible, and Murder looms up effectively in an almost Arnold-......
Picture Books
A - NEW journal of the graphic arts has led off with its first highly decorated number. It is called Motif, it costs a pound-less by yearly subscrip- tion-and will come out......
And Be A Villain. By Joanna Cannan. (gol- Lancz, 12s.
6d.) and Death in Russian Habit. By Sea-lion.' (John Long, 12s. 6d.) Strictly for sahibs. Miss Cannan's detective story would be a joy were it not for her odious superiority......
Undiplomatic Exit. By John Sherwood. (hod' Der And...
6d.) Vivid, verisitnilitud in ' ous bumping-off of British ambassador in Arab country at Suez-time. Elegantly written, intelli- gently exciting piece by one of the very best of......
Ordeal By Innocence. By Agatha Christie. (collins, 12s....
she sits, bless her; spinning her web, untroubled by any need for plausibility or prose style, aware that to thousands of ladies of her own age hers is the only name that comes......