Bermuda Shorts
Sir: I have read with interest David Cohen's article on Bermuda in the SPECTATOR for 24 October, in which he tells of his conversa- tion in May with Mrs Browne- Evans, the......
Lynch's Romancing
Sir: Might I be permitted to com- ment briefly on Mr Lynch's inter- view with Ian Lyon? One point in particular stands out from this interview and that is Mr Lynch's failure to......
Dear Readers
Sir: As a regular reader of the SPECTATOR (which was getting so boring I had to stop for a few weeks) I write to say 'welcome' Mr Gale. I thank you for having back Auberon Waugh......
Bantu Stances
Sir: It simply won't do to put the failure of South Africa's Bantustans down to an African population ex- plosion. When the Tomlinson Com- mission wrote a blueprint for sep-......
Blackpool Snobs
Sir: I had formulated a suggestion for a SPECTATOR Competition : A prize for the best brief sentence setting out the most appropriate punishment to be meted out to Mr......
Sir: Without any judgment for or against, nevertheless I have tried to discover the ultimate source of the apparently insensate enemies against apartheid. What was it that kept......
Expose The Car
Sir: '. . . to conceal the true cost of food, or of clothing, or of any- thing else that is a matter both of necessity and to some extent of Personal choice—is to do a disser-......
Peel Appeal
Sir: I am at present engaged in a study of the traditional English love of marmalade and also of its possible connection with our alleged national characteristic of under-......