21 SEPTEMBER 1929, page 1

The Crux Of The Discussions Was, As Usual, The Cruiser

class. It may be said at once that the differences between the two countries in this matter have been narrowed down to such a small margin that ultimate failure to agree need......

The Prime Minister Has Made It Perfectly Plain To General

Dawes that the British Government do not really mind what ships America builds, but that they feel that definite limitation is essential if the two countries are to make an......

We Should Be Deceiving Ourselves, However, If We Did Not

remember that there are still many lions in the path. Great though the significance of the Anglo- American agreement is—it unquestionably means a new and much better phase in......

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Subacription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR sa registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......

News Of The Week

Naval Reduction T HE virtual agreement between Great Britain and the United States on naval reduction is one of the most important and encouraging facts of recent years. The......